Henrietta church of Christ
Updates as of 4/3/2020
Prayer Request –
Please keep the family of Addison Pope in your prayers. Addison passed away April 1st at Cook hospital, she is in 1st Grade at HES. She is the daughter of Bailey Browning and Tim Pope and granddaughter of Cheryl and Billy Bob Browning. Prayer for her classmates as well.
Jaxon Skelton, Mahalah’s son is running a little fever. Please keep him in your prayers.
Dale Butler will start his chemo treatments soon. Please keep Katie, Dale and his family in your prayers.
Please keep Shelly Lostey and Laurie Turner in your prayers.
Sandi Atchison, was in the hospital for 3 days. She is doing better and at home now. Please keep her in your prayers.
Jan & Kenneth Keel’s son Chris was hospitalized and now und house quarantine. Please keep Jan, Kenneth and Chris and his family in your prayers.
Please continue to keep the following in your prayers: Sue Callaway, Kirby Whitley, Conkling Family, J.O. Sheppard, Theo Allen, Marshall Cotton, Harry Webb, Tommy Allen, Terrell Family, Khristie Beaird & Family, Gerald & Tera Holland, Jimmy Anderson, Sue Hughes, Randel Barnard & Georgina Hopkins.
Announcements –
NO LBC, Wednesday Night Meals, Wednesday Night Classes or Sunday Service at the building for the time being.
If you would like to host a small group to gather at your home on Sundays for devotional and fellowship time with groups of ten or less, that would be great. Please let Dana know if you are willing to host a group.
Amanda Wolf has volunteered to go grocery shopping for the elderly. She has also made mask for the elderly if you would like one please call her at 940-781-8119
Dana will be working from home. She can be contacted at henriettacofc@sbcglobal.net or
call 940-631-7916. Joe will be at the church building Monday & Wednesday-Friday 9am – 12pm.
Updates will continue to be sent by email, Facebook and on the church website.
April Birthday’s & Anniversaries
7- Barbara Green
10 – Sara Williams
11 – Kathy Tyson
13 – Shane Coker
14 – Lilliana Navorska
15 – Joe Alcorn
15 – Ashton Roderick
16 – Vicki Yurcho
18 – Martha Bachman
20 – Joe Williams
24 – Marty Lowery
25 – Jerri Skelton
27 – Ronnie Davis
27 – Parker Pope
29 – Howard Beeler
29 – Ruger Wilson