Join us live at 10:30 am
Connecting Lives and Saving Souls
Join us live at 10:30 am
The Elders have made the decision to resume Sunday morning worship on May 17th at 10:30 am. There will be more detailed information coming this weekend, but wanted to give you a date. Below is a short list of things that we want you to be aware of today:
1. We will only have Sunday Morning worship starting May 17th during May, No Sunday classes, and Sunday evening or
Wednesday night class. We will be discussing plans for summer in next several weeks.
2. Steps will be taken with regard to communion to address concerns.
3. Those attending will be spaced out in the auditorium as recommended by the State.
4. If you are sick, please stay home. If you do not feel comfortable attending at this time that is okay.
5. We will be at the building again on Saturday from 10:30 to 11:00 am to hand out communion supplies.
6. If you would like to donate to Kaci Williams’s mission trip you can bring that by on Saturday.
7. We will also be recognizing our graduating seniors on May 17th. Lindsey Yarbrough from HHS and Ethan Williams from
Oklahoma Christian.
We appreciate everyone’s patience and the many that have volunteered and helped during this challenging time. We look forward to fellowship and worship with everyone on May 17th. If you have any concerns please reach out to Joe or one of the Elders.