SonShine House
SonShine House
April 27, 2020
6 pm
Church Members Update
Hard to believe we are coming up to our 6th week of not being able to meet at the building. We pray everyone is doing well and keeping safe. Hopefully you are hearing from our groups that are calling folks to check on them. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need anything.
Hope to get some news form Governor Abbott this weekend or early next week. We hope is to start meeting again soon. Some items to bring to your attention.
1. Be sure and check bulletin Dana is sending out each week for prayers request.
2. Dana will send an email with information regarding the Children’s homes we serve and current needs.
3. Our own Kaci Williams will be doing mission work next fall in Vienna, Austria. We had planned to do a special contribution in March, but this was not able to happen. So we are going to collect this week for special giving for Kaci’s trip. Please bring checks or cash Saturday AM during our normal time of handing out communion items. If you cannot get by Saturday please contact Brad Yurcho to make arrangements to collect for special giving. The Elders feel it is important to support our kids when they have the opportunity to do mission work.
4. Due to school not finishing the year at the building, we have decided to cancel VBS at the building. We are looking at some other things we can do during this time to reach out to kids in our community. We will keep you posted.
5. Youth News: Plans coming next week regarding Senior Sunday and recognizing Lindsey. Also youth will be doing a zoom meeting with Shane next Wednesday or Thursday. More detail early next week.
God Bless and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.
The Elders
Church Family
Due to the county extension of the shelter in place through April 24th, we will not have worship at the building on Sunday. We pray everyone continues to be safe and is well. We want to thank the couples who are calling to check on members. The Elders would also like to thank everyone for continuing to contribute to the work our church has committed to supporting in the community and around the world. Some other things to note:
Communion – We will be at the church Saturday 10:30 am to 11:00 am to hand out supplies and mask if you need one.
Children Homes – Several have ask about the children homes. Dana has contacted them and we will provide additional information this week on what they need and how we will help.
Videos – Please look for Joe’s weekly Lesson and Vicki’s kid class lesson each Sunday on our YouTube Channel.
If you need anything please let us know, we look forward to meeting again soon and worshiping together.
God Bless,
The Elders
4/12/2020 Sermon & Children’s Class
Updates 4/3/2020
Henrietta church of Christ
Updates as of 4/3/2020
Prayer Request –
Please keep the family of Addison Pope in your prayers. Addison passed away April 1st at Cook hospital, she is in 1st Grade at HES. She is the daughter of Bailey Browning and Tim Pope and granddaughter of Cheryl and Billy Bob Browning. Prayer for her classmates as well.
Jaxon Skelton, Mahalah’s son is running a little fever. Please keep him in your prayers.
Dale Butler will start his chemo treatments soon. Please keep Katie, Dale and his family in your prayers.
Please keep Shelly Lostey and Laurie Turner in your prayers.
Sandi Atchison, was in the hospital for 3 days. She is doing better and at home now. Please keep her in your prayers.
Jan & Kenneth Keel’s son Chris was hospitalized and now und house quarantine. Please keep Jan, Kenneth and Chris and his family in your prayers.
Please continue to keep the following in your prayers: Sue Callaway, Kirby Whitley, Conkling Family, J.O. Sheppard, Theo Allen, Marshall Cotton, Harry Webb, Tommy Allen, Terrell Family, Khristie Beaird & Family, Gerald & Tera Holland, Jimmy Anderson, Sue Hughes, Randel Barnard & Georgina Hopkins.
Announcements –
NO LBC, Wednesday Night Meals, Wednesday Night Classes or Sunday Service at the building for the time being.
If you would like to host a small group to gather at your home on Sundays for devotional and fellowship time with groups of ten or less, that would be great. Please let Dana know if you are willing to host a group.
Amanda Wolf has volunteered to go grocery shopping for the elderly. She has also made mask for the elderly if you would like one please call her at 940-781-8119
Dana will be working from home. She can be contacted at or
call 940-631-7916. Joe will be at the church building Monday & Wednesday-Friday 9am – 12pm.
Updates will continue to be sent by email, Facebook and on the church website.
April Birthday’s & Anniversaries
7- Barbara Green
10 – Sara Williams
11 – Kathy Tyson
13 – Shane Coker
14 – Lilliana Navorska
15 – Joe Alcorn
15 – Ashton Roderick
16 – Vicki Yurcho
18 – Martha Bachman
20 – Joe Williams
24 – Marty Lowery
25 – Jerri Skelton
27 – Ronnie Davis
27 – Parker Pope
29 – Howard Beeler
29 – Ruger Wilson
Church Family
Dear Members,
We hope this email finds you healthy and that you are doing well. We recognize we are in a very challenging situation that has hit our community this week. Several of our members are being effected by the shelter in place order, please make prayer a high priority for the request that have been sent out. We love all of you and want to make sure you are getting anything you need, thank you to those that are calling our members to keep in touch.
Below are some updates:
Sunday Services – We will not meet at the church for the next two Sunday’s. April 5th and April 12th. We will continue to evaluate and pray we can come back together soon. Until then, we ask that everyone stay home and stay healthy.
Contribution: Many have ask about how to get a contribution to the church. We will have envelopes available Saturday morning at 10:00 am – 11:00 am. You can also mail to Henrietta church of Christ, PO Box 388, Henrietta, TX 76365. If you prefer to drop it off you can do that Saturday or text Brad at 940-631-2865 to make arrangements.
Communion: We will be at the building Saturday morning from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for those that need to pick up Communion Supplies. Please pull around to the back door and we will bring out to you, no need to get out of your car.
Sermons and Kids Class: Joe Williams will do a sermon on video again this week. Vicki will also do a class for the Kids. Those links will be sent out Sunday Morning. The link will also be on church Facebook page and You Tube channel.
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”
Philippians 4:4-9 ESV
God Bless,
The Elders
March 29th
Joe Williams Lesson